Buy Fresh Turf
We Supply A Super Quality Rye Grass/Fescue Mix , Grown here In Lancashire
more infoField Fresh Turf Direct From The Farm
“The Turf Looks Lush Green”
“Absolutely Fantastic Service”
“A Professional, Friendly Team”
“Excellent at Keeping in Touch”
“Lovely Man Who Drives The Crane Truck !”
Welcome To Our New Website
You may have noticed that we've had a revamp, don't worry we still have great quality turf and prices as before
Welcome To Lancashire Turf Farms , a family business at heart , we are passionate about growing Turf and also supplying some of the finest topsoil that the county has to offer we have been growing turf since the late 1970s and our customer base includes 1000's of North West home owners , local authorities , utility companies ,house builders , sports clubs , within a 20 mile radius of preston you can be certain that you are never more than a few hundred feet from somewhere that has used our turf at some point. We also deliver regular to Liverpool , Manchester and Cheshire, please contact us for trade enquiries.
Find Out More About UsTrade Enquiries Welcome
Got A Question? Call Us On 01772 429 027
The Turf Farm
North West Growers
Turf Grown In Lancashire
Farm Based Business
01772 429 027
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